A field operational trial evaluating a feedback-reward system on speeding and tailgating behaviors
Driver reaction time to lateral entering pedestrian in a simulated crash traffic situation
Evaluation of an eco-driving support system
Evaluation of three different interaction designs for an automatic steering intervention
How appraisals shape driver emotions: a study from discrete and dimensional emotion perspectives
Human factors implications of vehicle automation: current understanding and future directions
Intention to use a fully automated car: attitudes and a priori acceptability
Masking Action Relevant Stimuli in dynamic environments - the MARS method
On computing time-to-collision for automation scenarios
Reading, typing, and driving: How interactions with in-vehicle systems degrade driving performance
Route choice in the presence of a toll road: the role of pre-trip information and learning
Semi-automated versus highly automated driving in critical situations caused by automation failures
The determinants of driving aggression among Polish drivers
Transition to manual: driver behaviour when resuming control from a highly automated vehicle