A joint bicycle route choice model for various cycling frequencies and trip distances based on a large crowdsourced GPS dataset
Am I willing to replace my car with a MaaS subscription? An analysis of the willingness of Dutch citizens to adopt MaaS and the triggers affecting their choices
Estimating city-wide hourly bicycle flow using a hybrid LSTM MDN
How are life satisfaction, concern towards the use of public transport and other underlying attitudes affecting mode choice for commuting trips? A case study in Sydney from 2020 to 2022
Impact of policy incentives on the adoption of electric vehicle in China
Optimizing bike network design: a cost-effective methodology for heterogeneous travel demands using continuous approximation techniques
Social groups in pedestrian crowds as physical and cognitive entities: extent of modeling and motion prediction
The role of time budgets in models of multi-tasking while travelling: a comparison between the MDCEV and eMDC approach
Working from self-driving cars