A longitudinal analysis of the effectiveness of California's ban on cellphone use while driving
A taxonomy of autonomous vehicle handover situations
Aggregate road passenger travel demand in New Zealand: a seemingly unrelated regression approach
Analysis of traffic flow with micro-cars with respect to safety and environmental impact
Autonomous vehicles, risk perceptions and insurance demand: an individual survey in China
Connected and autonomous vehicles: a cyber-risk classification framework
Is the value of travel time savings increasing? Analysis throughout a financial crisis
Measuring immediate impacts of a new mass transit system on an existing bike-share system in China
Modeling individuals' willingness to share trips with strangers in an autonomous vehicle future
Perceived comfort and values of travel time savings in the Rhône-Alpes Region
Psychophysical assessment of a driver's mental state in autonomous vehicles
Road tests of self-driving vehicles: affective and cognitive pathways in acceptance formation
Transport poverty and subjective wellbeing
Understanding bike sharing use over time by employing extended technology continuance theory