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Safety science

Journal Volume: 96
Journal Issue:
Journal Year: 2017
Articles in SafetyLit: 20

After-action reviews: the good behavior, the bad behavior, and why we should care

Case study of a voluntary aviation safety and environmental accreditation programme

Chemical laboratory safety awareness, attitudes and practices of tertiary students

Children and young people's behaviour in accidental dwelling fires: a systematic review of the qualitative literature

Climate congruence: how espoused psychosocial safety climate and enacted managerial support affect emotional exhaustion and work engagement

Critical incident reporting systems: a necessary multilevel understanding

Examining theoretical approaches to men and masculinity in the context of high-risk work: applications, benefits and challenges

Implementation of best practices for emergency response and recovery at a large hospital: a fire emergency case study

Incorporating CREAM and MCS into fault tree analysis of LNG carrier spill accidents

Investigation of the occupational health and safety conditions in Hellenic solid waste management facilities and assessment of the in-situ hazard level

Linking active transactional leadership and safety performance in military operations

Managers' viewpoint on factors influencing their commitment to safety: an empirical investigation in five finnish industrial organisations

One event, three investigations: the reproduction of a safety norm

Optimum design approach based on integrated macro-ergonomics and resilience engineering in a tile and ceramic factory

Review and analysis of the explosion accident in Drevja, Norway: a consequence of fire in a mobile explosives manufacturing unit (MEMU) carrying precursors for the on-site production of bulk explosives

Risk influence frameworks for activity-related risk analysis during operation: a literature review

SHARE technique: a novel approach to root cause analysis of ship accidents

The importance of commitment, communication, culture and learning for the implementation of the Zero Accident Vision in 27 companies in Europe

The importance of communication for the maintenance of health and safety in work operations in ports

Weighted affordance-based agent modeling and simulation in emergency evacuation