A model to estimate vertical speed of ascending evacuation from maximal work capacity data
An enhanced risk assessment framework for business continuity management systems
Analysis of the effectiveness of the OSHA steel erection standard in the construction industry
Cell phone conversations and child pedestrian's crossing behavior: a simulator study
CONSRAT. Construction sites risk assessment tool
Cutting patterns as a predictor of the odds of accident among professional fellers
Establishing school bus baseline emergency evacuation times for elementary school students
Exploring the association of rear-end crash propensity and micro-scale driver behavior
Identification and development of Lean and Safety projects
Impact of speed humps of bicyclists
Modelling social identification and helping in evacuation simulation
New laws, road wars, courtesy and animosity: cycling safety in Queensland newspapers
OHS management and employers' perception: differences by firm size in a large Italian company survey
On the relationship between safety climate and occupational burnout in healthcare organizations
Reducing occupational injuries attributed to inattentional blindness in the construction industry
Results of a fall prevention educational intervention for residential construction
Risk-based crowd massing early warning approach for public places: a case study in China
Scenario analysis of mine water inrush hazard using Bayesian networks
The differences of road safety performance of countries based on outcome indicators
Visual analytics for text-based railway incident reports
Work-related stress risk factors and health outcomes in public sector employees