A landscape of crowd-management support: an integrative approach
An application of nonlinear fuzzy analytic hierarchy process in safety evaluation of coal mine
An approach to eliminate train route setting errors through application of parallel monitoring
Classification of human errors in grounding and collision accidents using the TRACEr taxonomy
Comment on empirical evidence for the design of public lighting
Critical gap estimation for pedestrians at uncontrolled mid-block crossings on high-speed arterials
Experimental study on characteristics of pedestrian evacuation on stairs in a high-rise building
How sounds influence user safety decisions in a virtual construction simulator
Regulatory focus and safety outcomes: an examination of the mediating influence of safety behavior
Risk governance gap analysis in search and rescue at offshore platforms in the Greek territory
Risk information for operational decision-making in the offshore oil and gas industry
Setting structural safety requirement for controlling earthquake mortality risk
Suppressive effects of fire prevention campaign in China: a time series analysis
Toolbox talks to prevent construction fatalities: empirical development and evaluation
Towards an evidence-based probabilistic risk model for ship-grounding accidents