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Safety science

Journal Volume: 79
Journal Issue:
Journal Year: 2015
Articles in SafetyLit: 34

A FSA based fuzzy DEMATEL approach for risk assessment of cargo ships at coasts and open seas of Turkey

A human-system interface risk assessment method based on mental models

A hybrid accident analysis method to assess potential navigational contingencies: the case of ship grounding

A hybrid risk analysis method for a yacht fuel system safety

A switching action model for DEM-based multi-agent crowded behavior simulator

Active behaviour change safety interventions in the construction industry: a systematic review

Built environment factors in explaining the automobile-involved bicycle crash frequencies: a spatial statistic approach

Fault tree analysis combined with quantitative analysis for high-speed railway accidents

Fuzzy inference system for the efficiency assessment of hold baggage security control at the airport

How reliable and valid is the coding of the variables of the European Statistics on Accidents at Work (ESAW)? A need to improve preventive public policies

Improving the risk assessments of critical operations to better reflect uncertainties and the unforeseen

Learning from incidents: practices at a Scandinavian refinery

Management of health and safety in micro-firms in Cyprus - results from a nationwide survey

Managerial accounting for safety management. The case of a Spanish construction company

Managerial and non-technical factors in the development of human-created disasters: a review and research agenda

Occupational safety during interventions in confined spaces

Ontology-based knowledge modeling for automated construction safety checking

Paternalism and acceptability in road safety work

Proactivity-and-consequence-based safety incentive (PCBSI) developed with a fuzzy approach to reduce occupational accidents

Risk assessment of petroleum product transportation by road: a framework for regulatory improvement

Risk factor analysis of fatal forest harvesting accidents: a case study in Turkey

Road safety risk evaluation by means of improved entropy TOPSIS-RSR

Robustness assessment of urban rail transit based on complex network theory: a case study of the Beijing Subway

Safety Culture in commercial aviation: differences in perspective between Chinese and Western pilots

Safety messages and visibility of vulnerable road users for drivers

Situation awareness in bridge operations - a study of collisions between attendant vessels and offshore facilities in the North Sea

Some methodical aspects of critical infrastructure protection

Structuring the safety case for unmanned aircraft system operations in non-segregated airspace

The concept of risk situation awareness provision: towards a new approach for assessing the DSA about the threats and vulnerabilities of complex socio-technical systems

The parameter calibration and optimization of social force model for the real-life 2013 Ya'an earthquake evacuation in China

The quality of the injury severity classification by the police: an important step for a reliable assessment

The symbiotic nature of safety and quality in construction: incidents and rework non-conformances

Use of a human factors classification framework to identify causal factors for medication and medical device-related adverse clinical incidents

Using fault tree analysis in the Al-Ahmadi town gas leak incidents