A human-system interface risk assessment method based on mental models
A hybrid risk analysis method for a yacht fuel system safety
A switching action model for DEM-based multi-agent crowded behavior simulator
Active behaviour change safety interventions in the construction industry: a systematic review
Fault tree analysis combined with quantitative analysis for high-speed railway accidents
Fuzzy inference system for the efficiency assessment of hold baggage security control at the airport
Learning from incidents: practices at a Scandinavian refinery
Management of health and safety in micro-firms in Cyprus - results from a nationwide survey
Managerial accounting for safety management. The case of a Spanish construction company
Occupational safety during interventions in confined spaces
Ontology-based knowledge modeling for automated construction safety checking
Paternalism and acceptability in road safety work
Risk assessment of petroleum product transportation by road: a framework for regulatory improvement
Risk factor analysis of fatal forest harvesting accidents: a case study in Turkey
Road safety risk evaluation by means of improved entropy TOPSIS-RSR
Safety Culture in commercial aviation: differences in perspective between Chinese and Western pilots
Safety messages and visibility of vulnerable road users for drivers
Some methodical aspects of critical infrastructure protection
Structuring the safety case for unmanned aircraft system operations in non-segregated airspace
The symbiotic nature of safety and quality in construction: incidents and rework non-conformances
Using fault tree analysis in the Al-Ahmadi town gas leak incidents