A framework for safety automation of safety-critical systems operations
A risk-informed ship collision alert system: framework and application
Analyzing safety behaviors of temporary construction workers using structural equation modeling
Attitudes toward risk regulation - prescriptive or functional regulation?
Can we examine safety culture in accident investigations, or should we?
Car drivers' valuation of landslide risk reductions
Control measures of electrical hazards: An analysis of construction industry
Development of a smoke effect model for representing the psychological pressure from the smoke
Effect of information sharing and communication on driver's risk taking
Fuzzy consequence modeling of blowouts in Iranian drilling operations; HSE consideration
Safety benefits of mandatory OSHA 10 h training
Safety climate, perceived risk, and involvement in safety management
Shared situational awareness and information quality in disaster management
The assessment of the attractiveness of process facilities to terrorist attacks
The cost-benefit hurdle for safety case regulation
Use of HFACS-FCM in fire prevention modelling on board ships