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Safety science

Journal Volume: 77
Journal Issue:
Journal Year: 2015
Articles in SafetyLit: 21

A framework for safety automation of safety-critical systems operations

A risk-informed ship collision alert system: framework and application

Analyzing safety behaviors of temporary construction workers using structural equation modeling

Assessment of Health Safety and Environment Management System function in contracting companies of one of the petro-chemistry industries in Iran, a case study

Attitudes toward risk regulation - prescriptive or functional regulation?

Can we examine safety culture in accident investigations, or should we?

Car drivers' valuation of landslide risk reductions

Control measures of electrical hazards: An analysis of construction industry

Development of a smoke effect model for representing the psychological pressure from the smoke

Effect of information sharing and communication on driver's risk taking

Fuzzy consequence modeling of blowouts in Iranian drilling operations; HSE consideration

Motorcyclists' road safety related behavior at access points on primary roads in Malaysia - a case study

Safety benefits of mandatory OSHA 10 h training

Safety climate, perceived risk, and involvement in safety management

Shared situational awareness and information quality in disaster management

Taking responsibility for public safety: how engineers seek to minimise disaster incubation in design of hazardous facilities

The assessment of the attractiveness of process facilities to terrorist attacks

The cost-benefit hurdle for safety case regulation

The impact of safety audit timing and framing of the production outcomes on safety-related rule violations in a simulated production environment

Use of HFACS-FCM in fire prevention modelling on board ships

Use of in-situ simulation to investigate latent safety threats prior to opening a new emergency department