A holistic evaluation of ergonomics application in health, safety, and environment management research for construction workers
A risk and safety science perspective on the precautionary principle
Chicago Tylenol murders: information and mindfulness
Cognitive correlates of maritime pilots' human errors
Effects of age and flight exposure on flight safety performance: evidence from a large cross-sectional pilot sample
Efficient safety management plan for industrial accident prevention of hazardous machinery: focus on safety certification system and regulations in South Korea
Impacts of hot climatic conditions on work, health, and safety in Australia: a case study of policies in practice in the construction industry
Improving safety outcomes through medical error reduction via virtual reality-based clinical skills training
One fidelity fits all? How civil protection simulations afford (or not) improvement opportunities for novice and occasional crisis managers
Pathways to single fatality and serious injury incidents in coal and metalliferous mining in NSW, Australia: can we learn from multiple fatality incidents to prevent serious injury?
Wearable EEG-based construction hazard identification in virtual and real environments: a comparative study
Working in heat: Contrasting heat management approaches among outdoor employees and contractors