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Safety science

Journal Volume: 162
Journal Issue:
Journal Year: 2023
Articles in SafetyLit: 14

A proposed validation framework for the system theoretic process analysis (STPA) technique

A study to determine human-related errors at the level of top management, safety supervisors & workers during the implementation of safety practices in the construction industry

Associations and mediators between types of motorcycle ownership and road traffic injuries among motorcycle taxi drivers in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Cognition-driven navigation assistive system for emergency indoor wayfinding (CogDNA): proof of concept and evidence

Enhancing construction safety: machine learning-based classification of injury types

Exploring collaborative crisis management: a model of essential capabilities

How does social capital influence shadow evacuation behavior under rainstorm disaster in China

Linking construction noise to worker safety behavior: the role of negative emotion and regulatory focus

Mineworkers' perspective of fatigue: a study of the Ghanaian mining industry

Personalized stability monitoring based on body postures of construction workers working at heights

Safety and reliability in aviation - a systematic scoping review of normal accident theory, high-reliability theory, and resilience engineering in aviation

Subway passengers' wayfinding behaviors when exposed to signage: an experimental study in virtual reality with eye-tracker

Using reaction times and accident statistics for safety impact prediction of automated vehicles on road safety of vulnerable road users

What works in safety. The use and perceived effectiveness of 48 safety interventions