A combined approach to incident cause analysis: squeeze every drop of info from undesirable events
A risk-averse solution for the prescribed burning problem
An advanced approach to the system safety in sociotechnical systems
Data-driven approaches for road safety: a comprehensive systematic literature review
Deep learning approaches for vulnerable road users safety [editorial]
Effect of trained evacuation leaders on victims' safety during an active shooter incident
Exploring international beachgoers' perceptions of safety signage on Australian beaches
Familiarity with beach warning flags in the Netherlands
From must to mindset: outcomes of human factor practices in aviation and railway companies
Identifying effective risk management frameworks for complex socio-technical systems
Impact of owners' safety management behavior on construction workers' unsafe behavior
Learning from major accidents: a meta-learning perspective
Macroscopic and microscopic dynamics of a pedestrian cross-flow: Part I, experimental analysis
Macroscopic and microscopic dynamics of a pedestrian cross-flow: Part II, modelling
On the strength of arguments related to standardization in risk management regulations
Safety Science in the new age of work [editorial]
Team adaptation and safety in aviation
The relationship between organizational dehumanization and safety behaviors
The use of low-level theory to guide the interpretation of road safety evaluation studies
Towards best practices for residential carpentry safety: multiple case study analysis
Understanding safety culture and safety citizenship through the lens of social identity theory
Visualized analysis of safety climate research: a bibliometric data mining approach
Workplace incivility: a retrospective review and future research agenda