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Safety science

Journal Volume: 153
Journal Issue:
Journal Year: 2022
Articles in SafetyLit: 28

A field study on human factor and safety performances in a downstream oil industry

A registry-based investigation of road traffic fatality risk factors using police data: a case study of Hyderabad, India

Ageing assets at major hazard chemical sites - the Dutch experience

Characteristics of early shared E-Scooter fatalities in the United States 2018-2020

Confirmatory factor analysis of work-related accidents in UAE

Construction safety knowledge sharing on YouTube from 2007 to 2021: two-step flow theory and semantic analysis

Crowd dynamics research in the era of Covid-19 pandemic: challenges and opportunities

Developing high-reliability organisations: a social identity model

Development and testing of a nuclear regulator safety culture perception survey

Distracted driving in relation to risky road behaviors and traffic crashes in Bogota, Colombia

Effect of paternalistic leadership on safety performance of transit bus drivers: activation effect of positive followership traits

Engineering maintenance decision-making with unsupported judgement under operational constraints

Evacuation behavior of affected individuals and households in response to the 2018 Attica wildfires: from empirical data to models

Evaluating the quality of WHS disclosures by ASX100 companies: is mandatory WHS reporting necessary?

Experiences of young drivers and accompanying persons in Denmark: a qualitative study

Learning lessons for automated vehicle design: using systems thinking to analyse and compare automation-related accidents across transport domains

Maintenance outsourcing and safety. Case study of disorganization phenomena in a reticular organization

On-site safety inspection of tower cranes: a blockchain-enabled conceptual framework

Pedestrian distraction: mobile phone use and its associations with other risky crossing behaviours and conflict situations

Pedestrian-vehicle interaction severity level assessment at uncontrolled intersections using machine learning algorithms

Prevention of accidents in facilities for the treatment and storage of selected agricultural products

Risk management in aviation maintenance: a systematic literature review

Risk perception and knowledge of protective measures for flood risk planning: the case study of Brindisi (Puglia region)

Study on fire smoke control in evacuation passageways on the top floor of an atrium involving breathing zones combined with underfloor makeup air supplementation

Temporal analysis of the frequency of accidents associated with construction equipment

The mutual interdependences between safety and operations: a systematic literature review

The state of wildfire and bushfire science: temporal trends, research divisions and knowledge gaps

What is the potential impact of industry 4.0 on health and safety at work?