A complex system of learning to drive: the instructor's perspective
An STPA-based formal composition framework for trustworthy autonomous maritime systems
Broad (multilevel) safety research and strategy. A sociological study
Construction SMEs safety challenges in water sector in Oman
Design of a safety training package for migrant workers in the construction industry
Emergency preparedness and rescue in Arctic waters
Evacuation behaviors and emergency communications: an analysis of real-world incident videos
Homeowner vulnerability in residential buildings with flammable cladding
Improving firefighters hazard recognition with energy based hazard recognition training
Individual factors that influence task performance on a stepladder in older people
Maritime safety: prevention versus mitigation?
Modeling of unsafe behavior risk assessment: a case study of Chinese furniture manufacturers
Safety of twin-engine helicopters: risks and operational specificity
Supervisor strategies and resources needed for managing employee stress: a qualitative analysis
The simulation of wildland-urban interface fire evacuation: the WUI-NITY platform
WAx: An integrated conceptual framework for the analysis of cyber-socio-technical systems
Work-related traumatic brain injury in the construction industry in Sweden and Germany