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Safety science

Journal Volume: 124
Journal Issue:
Journal Year: 2020
Articles in SafetyLit: 25

A 'role-rule' model to examine passengers' likely behaviour and their perceived ability to evacuate safely from airport in an emergency evacuation

A comprehensive study on factors influencing pedestrian signal violation behaviour: experience from Kolkata City, India

A new smart safety navigation system for cycling based on audio technology

A practical approach for evaluating the strength of knowledge supporting risk assessment models

A sociotechnical approach to accident analysis in a low-income setting: using Accimaps to guide road safety recommendations in Bangladesh

A spreadsheet-based decision support tool for temporary-disaster-response facilities allocation

A systematic literature review on LNG safety at ports

Advanced model-based risk reasoning on automatic railway level crossings

After Fukushima: safety culture and fostering critical thinking

An expanded HAZOP-study with fuzzy-AHP (XPA-HAZOP technique): application in a sour crude-oil processing plant

Analysis of severe industrial accidents caused by hazardous chemicals in South Korea from January 2008 to June 2018

Analysis of the impact of wildland-urban-interface fires on LPG domestic tanks

Data-theoretic approach for socio-technical risk analysis: text mining licensee event reports of U.S. nuclear power plants

Developing a systems failure model for aviation security

Examining the roles of multidimensional fatalism on traffic safety attitudes and pedestrian behaviour

Location and flux discrimination of water inrush using its spreading process in underground coal mine

Making sense of a new risk concept in the Norwegian petroleum regulations

Mindful organizing for safety

Passengers' perceptions of safety in paratransit in the context of three-wheeled electric rickshaws in urban India

Pedestrian evacuation within limited-space buildings based on different exit design schemes

Smart safety early warning system of coal mine production based on WSNs

Tailings dam safety monitoring and early warning based on spatial evolution process of mud-sand flow

The evolution of safety legislation in Hong Kong: actors, structures and institutions

Transforming inherent safety risk in the construction industry: a safety risk generation and control model

Work stress, personality and occupational accidents: should we expect differences between men and women?