A new framework for multi-hazards risk aggregation
A novel extension of DEMATEL approach for probabilistic safety analysis in process systems
A re-examination of the role of friction in the original Social Force Model
A risk assessment approach for enhancing construction safety performance
An agent-based modeling approach to collaborative classrooms evacuation process
An experimental contingent valuation of users' attitudes towards a Crowd Management System
Comments to Wróbel and Montewka on collision avoidance of autonomous ships and human failure events
Consequences of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami in Malaysia
Contact forces and dynamics of pedestrians evacuating a room: the column effect
Delivery systems: a systematic approach for barrier management
Emergency preparedness and response: insights from the emerging offshore wind industry
Fairness and efficiency in pedestrian emergency evacuation: modeling and simulation
Historical developments in Dutch gas systems: unravelling safety concerns in gas provision
Influencing organizational decision-makers - what influence tactics are OHS professionals using?
Management of legal compliance in occupational health and safety. A literature review
Mapping knowledge structure and research trends of emergency evacuation studies
Methodology for hazard identification in aquaculture operations (MHIAO)
Occupational accidents in immigrant workers in Spain: the complex role of culture
Occupational safety and health for service crew on passenger ships
Older truck drivers: how can we keep them in the workforce for as long as safely possible?
Public perceptions of autonomous vehicle safety: an international comparison
Review of workflows of emergency shutdown systems in the Norwegian oil and gas industry
Safety climate perceived by users of academic laboratories in higher education institutes
Safety performance and technology heterogeneity in China's provincial construction industry
Safety science as a new discipline in China
School bus rear emergency door design improvements to increase evacuation flow
Ship collision avoidance methods: state-of-the-art
Symptom-based context quantification for dynamic accident analysis