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Safety science

Journal Volume: 111
Journal Issue:
Journal Year: 2019
Articles in SafetyLit: 28

"You can't be deterred by stuff you don't know about": identifying factors that influence graduated driver licensing rule compliance

A process mining approach to improve emergency rescue processes of fatal gas explosion accidents in Chinese coal mines

An analysis of lifejacket wear, environmental factors, and casualty activity on marine accident fatality rates

An integrated relief network design model under uncertainty: a case of Iran

Analytical review of the Australian policy context for work-related psychological health and psychosocial risks

Comparing immersive virtual reality and powerpoint as methods for delivering safety training: impacts on risk perception, learning, and decision making

Criterion-related validity of the cultural web when assessing safety culture

Disaster prevention through a harmonized framework for high reliability organisations

Do student internships build capability? - What OHS graduates really think

Does compulsory training improve occupational safety and health implementation? The case of Malaysia

Effectiveness research on the multi-player evolutionary game of coal-mine safety regulation in China based on system dynamics

Effects of phone use on driving performance: a comparative analysis of young and professional drivers

Fatal accident patterns of building construction activities in China

Forecasting and assessing consequences of aviation safety occurrences

How many blowouts does it take to learn the lessons? An institutional perspective on disaster development

Literature review on the incentives and solutions for the bypassing of guards and protective devices on machinery

Modeling and simulation of offshore personnel during emergency situations

Operating strategies of buses for mass evacuation

RPAS conflict-risk assessment in non-segregated airspace

Safety culture among Chinese undergraduates: a survey at a university

Safety work versus the safety of work

Spanish validation of the Benchmark Resilience Tool (short-form version) to evaluate organisational resilience

The complex relationship between increases to speed limits and traffic fatalities: evidence from a meta-analysis

The institutional context of crisis. A study of the police response during the 22 July terror attacks in Norway

Towards the "third wave": an SCO-enabled occupational health and safety management system for construction

Use of HFACS and fault tree model for collision risk factors analysis of icebreaker assistance in ice-covered waters

Visualising safety: the potential for using sociotechnical systems models in prospective safety assessment and design

Workplace stress as predictor of risky driving behavior among taxi drivers. The role of job-related affective state and taxi driving experience