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Safety science

Journal Volume: 103
Journal Issue:
Journal Year: 2018
Articles in SafetyLit: 33

A novel approach to risk assessment for occupational health and safety using Pythagorean fuzzy AHP & fuzzy inference system

A novel qualitative prospective methodology to assess human error during accident sequences

A surrogate-assisted genetic algorithm for the selection and design of highway safety and travel time improvement projects

An integrative conceptual framework for safety culture: the Egg Aggregated Model (TEAM) of safety culture

Analysis of the relationship between the adoption of the OHSAS 18001 and business performance in different organizational contexts

Assessing on-site construction personnel hazard perception in a Middle Eastern developing country: an interactive graphical approach

Assessment of relationships between work stress, work-family conflict, burnout and firefighter safety behavior outcomes

Complementary strengths of airlines under network disruptions

Comprehension rates of safety pictorials affixed to agricultural machinery among Pennsylvania rural population

Correlation between weighted acceleration, vibration dose value and exposure time on whole body vibration comfort levels evaluation

Differences in safety training among smaller and larger construction firms with non-native workers: evidence of overlapping vulnerabilities

Evaluation and reduction of vulnerability of subway equipment: an integrated framework

Evaluation of wearable immersive augmented reality technology in safety-critical systems

How safety-related stress affects workers' safety behavior: the moderating role of psychological capital

Improving safety climate and behavior through a multifaceted intervention: results from a field experiment

Integrated hazard identification within the risk management of industrial biological processes

Investigating the effectiveness of safety costs on productivity and quality enhancement by means of a quantitative approach

Is it safe to cross? Identification of trains and their approach speed at level crossings

Non-radial DEA model: a new approach to evaluation of safety at railway level crossings

Occupational safety across jobs and shifts in emergency departments in Denmark

Pilot performance comparison between electronic and paper instrument approach charts

Practical methodology for estimating occupational exposure to hand-arm vibrations according to CEN/TR 15350:2013

Process standardization and error reduction: a revisit from a choice approach

Research on the influencing factors in coal mine production safety based on the combination of DEMATEL and ISM

Safety engineering of computational cognitive architectures within safety-critical systems

Safety management systems: a broad overview of the literature

Safety of machinery in hospitals: an exploratory study in the province of Quebec, Canada

Swedish Vision Zero policies for safety - a comparative policy content analysis

Tractor safety and related injuries in Iranian farms

Unearthing the nature and interplay of quality and safety in construction projects: an empirical study

Using workers' compensation claims data to characterize occupational injuries in the biofuels industry

What do aircraft accident investigators do and what makes them good at it? Developing a competency framework for investigators using grounded theory

Where do bike lanes work best? A Bayesian spatial model of bicycle lanes and bicycle crashes