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Personality and individual differences

Journal Volume: 168
Journal Issue:
Journal Year: 2021
Articles in SafetyLit: 22

Androgens and offending behavior: evidence based on multiple self-reported measures of prenatal and general testosterone exposure

Association of smartphone use with depression, anxiety, stress, sleep quality, and internet addiction. Empirical evidence from a smartphone application

Callous-unemotional traits and romantic relationships

Childhood trauma and suicidal ideation among Chinese female prisoners: the mediating roles of negative emotions and social support

Chronic negative mood and emotional strengths: Some evidence for using emotions as a specific buffer to the problem of suicide

Content matters. Different predictors and social consequences of general and government-related conspiracy theories on COVID-19

Creating evil: can sadism be induced?

How do high trait anger people feel about rewards high and low in arousal? Disentangling the association between trait anger and subjective pleasantness of rewards

Individuals higher in psychological entitlement respond to bad luck with anger

It's a man's job? An investigation of shifting (masculine) honor expectations for men and women

Personality traits among swedish counterterrorism intervention unit police officers: a comparison with the general population

Predictors of nonsuicidal self-injury: the independent contribution of benign masochism and antisocial personality

Proviolence as a mediator in the relationship between the dark personality traits and support for extremism

Psychopathic and borderline traits in a college sample: personality profiles and relations to self-directed and other-directed aggression

Psychopathic propensities contribute to social dominance orientation and right-wing authoritarianism in predicting prejudicial attitudes in a large European sample

Radicalisation and individual differences: disinhibition, boldness and meanness as predictors of support for radical collective action

Reinforcement sensitivity, approach and avoidance goals and relational aggression in romantic relationships

The Dark Tetrad and advantageous and disadvantageous risk-taking

The Dark Triad of personality and ideal romantic partner preferences in Iran

The incremental effect of dark personality over the big five in workplace bullying: evidence from perpetrators and targets

Trauma symptoms of sexual abuse reduce resilience in children to give 'no' replies to misleading questions

Workplace violence, post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms, and personality