Access to needle and syringe programs by people who inject image and performance enhancing drugs
Adolescent inhalant use prevention, assessment, and treatment: a literature synthesis
Advancing the science, methods and practices of drug policy research
Comparative policy analysis for alcohol and drugs: current state of the field
Do police arrestees substitute legal highs for other drugs?
Drug policy and harm reduction in the Middle East and North Africa: the role of civil society
Drugs and driving in China: status and challenge
Estimating the production, consumption and export of cannabis: the Dutch case
Hashish in Morocco and Lebanon: a comparative study
Incarceration or mandatory treatment: drug use and the law in the Middle East and North Africa
Intensive alcohol consumption by adolescents in Southern Spain: the importance of friendship
Needs-based public health service provision ensures equity
New answers to an old problem: Social investment and coca crops in Colombia
Poly-drug trafficking: estimating the scale, trends and harms at the Australian border
The state of harm reduction in the Middle East and North Africa: a focus on Iran and Morocco
Tightening the Dutch coffee shop policy: evaluation of the private club and the residence criterion