"They didn't have any idea what drugs were": pathways to substance use disorders among Ultraorthodox Jewish males
Child-centred harm reduction
Construction of group norms in a radical acceptanceonline forum for heavy alcohol users: A corpus-based discourse analysis
Diagnosis and treatment of opioid-related disorders in a South African private sector medical insurance scheme: a cohort study
Encouraging a 'generational shift' in the UKs relationship with drugs. A commentary on the new UK drug strategy. What can be achieved with drug prevention?
From harm to hope or is it from harmful to hopeless?
How do patient, pharmacist and medication characteristics and prescription drug monitoring program alerts influence pharmacists' decisions to dispense opioids? A randomised controlled factorial experiment
Much being written about us, not much being written with us: examining how alcohol and other drug use by indigenous Australians is portrayed in Australian Government policies and strategies: a discourse analysis
Twenty-year trends in pharmaceutical fentanyl and illicit fentanyl deaths, Australia 2001-2021
Understanding the longitudinal relationship between substance use and violent victimization among street-based women who exchange sex in Baltimore, Maryland