A fatal case of paramethoxyamphetamine poisoning and its detection in hair
A tapentadol related fatality: case report with postmortem concentrations
Adult femicide victims in forensic autopsy in Taiwan: a 10-year retrospective study
Alimemazine poisoning as evidence of Munchausen syndrome by proxy: A pediatric case report
Analysis of illicit drugs in wastewater - is there an added value for law enforcement?
Death related to consumption of Rauvolfia sp. powder mislabeled as Tabernanthe iboga
Ethanol elimination rates at low concentrations based on two consecutive blood samples
Experimental investigation of the response of gelatine behind the soft body armor
Front blind spot crashes in Hong Kong
Organic gunshot residues: observations about sampling and transfer mechanisms
Recreational inhalation of butane and propane in adolescents: two forensic cases of accidental death
Sudden death due to forced ingestion of vinegar
The impact velocity and bone fracture pattern: forensic perspective
The relationship between bupropion and suicide in post-mortem investigations
The role of 3DCT for the evaluation of chop injuries in clinical forensic medicine