A simple algorithm for analyzing uncertainty of accident reconstruction results
Child homicide victims in forensic autopsy in Taiwan: A 10-year retrospective study
Detection of synthetic cathinones in victims of sexual assault
Made up by makeup-a case report about an exceptional kind of self-inflicted "injuries"
Methadone-related deaths. A ten year overview
Multi-drug intoxication fatality involving atorvastatin: A case report
Pattern injuries from blows with the muzzle end of a handgun
Post-mortem imaging compared with autopsy in trauma victims - a systematic review
Seizures of doping substances at the Swiss border - a descriptive investigation
The enhancement of friction ridge detail on brass ammunition casings using cold patination fluid
The harmful chemistry behind "krokodil": Street-like synthesis and product analysis
Unsolved homicides in Sweden: a population-based study of 264 homicides
Validation of pedestrian throw equations by video footage of real life pedestrian/vehicle collisions