Addressing the nexus of risk: biobehavioral outcomes from a cluster randomized trial of the Women's Health CoOp Plus in Pretoria, South Africa
An ecological momentary assessment study examining posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms, prenatal bonding, and substance use among pregnant women
Being old fashioned in a modern world: gender role attitudes moderate the relation between role conflicts and alcohol use of parents
Explaining continuity in substance use: the role of criminal justice system involvement over the life course of an urban African American prospective cohort
Geographic patterns of prescription opioids and opioid overdose deaths in New York State, 2013-2015
Shifting characteristics of nonmedical prescription tranquilizer users in the United States, 2005-2014
Smartphone application for unhealthy alcohol use: pilot randomized controlled trial in the general population
Toxicological oral fluid results among Spanish drivers testing positive on on-site drug controls from 2013 to 2015
Urban-rural variation in the socioeconomic determinants of opioid overdose