"I know it because it happened to me!" Confrontations of children within forensic investigations
"Tell, tell, tell again": The prevalence and correlates of young children's response to and disclosure of an in-vivo lure from a stranger
Adverse experiences in infancy and toddlerhood: relations to adaptive behavior and academic status in middle childhood
An effective measure of childhood adversity that is valid with older adults
Area-socioeconomic disparities in mental health service use among children involved in the child welfare system
Change and consistency in descriptions of child maltreatment: a comparison of caregivers' perspectives 20 years apart
Child maltreatment reporting in the general population: examining the roles of community, collective efficacy, and adverse childhood experiences
Childhood adversity and adult health-risk behaviors: Examining the roles of emotion dysregulation and urgency
Community perceptions of home environments that lead children & youth to the street in semi-rural Kenya
Corrigendum to "Meaningful participation for children in the Dutch child protection system: a critical analysis of relevant provisions in policy documents" [Child Abuse & Neglect 79 (2018) 279-292]
Effect of worker contacts on risk of child maltreatment recurrence among CPS-involved children and families
Exploring sexuality profiles of adolescents who have engaged in sexual abuse and their link to delinquency and offense characteristics
Externalizing behaviors among adopted children: a longitudinal comparison of preadoptive childhood sexual abuse and other forms of maltreatment
Factors influencing child protection professionals' decision-making and multidisciplinary collaboration in suspected abusive head trauma cases: A qualitative study
Maltreatment type, exposure characteristics, and mental health outcomes among clinic referred trauma-exposed youth
Maternal intimate partner violence victimization and child maltreatment
Promoting young children's interpersonal safety knowledge, intentions, confidence, and protective behavior skills: outcomes of a randomized controlled trial
Using time-to-event analysis to identify preconception and prenatal predictors of child protective services contact