Are negative/unrealistic parent descriptors of infant attributes associated with physical abuse?
Changes in the prevalence of child maltreatment in Vietnam over 10 years
Child maltreatment and adult depressive symptoms: roles of self-compassion and gratitude
Childhood maltreatment: a predictor of mental health problems among adolescents and young adults
Consequences of parental burnout: its specific effect on child neglect and violence
Influence of childhood abuse and neglect subtypes on late-life suicide risk beyond depression
Intimate partner violence victimization and parenting: a systematic review
Lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) youth within in welfare: prevalence, risk and outcomes
Men's experiences of early life trauma and pathways into long-term homelessness
Modeling life course pathways from adverse childhood experiences to adult mental health
Perinatal interventions for mothers and fathers who are survivors of childhood sexual abuse
Self-reported neglect, amygdala volume, and symptoms of anxiety in adolescent boys
Tailoring health-related messages for young adults with adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)
The complex experience of child pornography survivors
The effects of implicit encouragement and the putative confession on children's memory reports