Childhood maltreatment, postnatal distress and the protective role of social support
Classification of maltreatment-related mortality by child death review teams: how reliable are they?
Credibility assessment in child sexual abuse investigations: a descriptive analysis
Impulsivity as a moderator of the associations between child maltreatment types and body mass index
Less money, more problems: how changes in disposable income affect child maltreatment
Maternal support following childhood sexual abuse: links to parent-reported children's outcomes
Parents' spontaneous evaluations of children and symbolic harmful behaviors toward their child
Posttraumatic symptom profiles among adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse: a longitudinal study
Psychometric properties of the Violent Experiences Questionnaire
Risk factors for child physical abuse and neglect among Chinese young mothers
Sexual abuse and preschoolers: forensic details in regard of question types
Systemic barriers to effective utilization of decision making tools in child protection practice
The role of strengths in anger and conduct problems in maltreated adolescents
Therapeutic alliance over the course of child trauma therapy from three different perspectives
Ugandan households: a study of parenting practices in three districts
Victimizations of Mexican youth (12-17 years old): a 2014 national survey