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Child abuse and neglect

Journal Volume: 154
Journal Issue:
Journal Year: 2024
Articles in SafetyLit: 57

"You think lots of love will heal the child, but it requires a lifetime of patience". Foster parents' intrapersonal and interpersonal struggles

A community-based study of the impact of trauma exposure on school-aged children's self-concept and improvements following TF-CBT

Accessing child sexual abuse material: pathways to offending and online behaviour

Adverse childhood experiences and aggression in adulthood: the moderating role of positive childhood experiences

Adverse childhood experiences as precursors to cannabis use in adulthood: a systematic review

Adverse childhood experiences research: the path forward

Are you a cop? Identifying suspicion in online chat operations with online groomers

Caseload factors predictive of family abuse and neglect treatment outcomes

Child welfare predictive risk models and legal decision making

Childhood emotional abuse and depression symptoms among Chinese adolescents: the sequential masking effect of ruminative thinking and deliberate rumination

Childhood maltreatment and substance use risk: A moderated mediation model of autonomic reactivity and distress tolerance

Childhood poverty and foster care placement: implications for practice and policy

Childhood sexual abuse and IL6 mediated by change in BMI over an 18-year period: a growth curve model

Contact sex offenders with adult and minor victims: psychopathological and criminological differences

Coping motives as a mediator of the relationship between child maltreatment and substance use problems in south African adolescents

Criminal outcomes among infants placed in out-of-home care: a longitudinal nationwide cohort study

Discovering sources of resilience among homeless LGBTQ+ youth in out-of-home care in Israel: an ecological framework

Do aversive well-being comparisons mediate the effects of childhood adversity on anxiety and depression?

EEG responses to infant faces in young adults can be influenced by the quality of early care experiences with caregivers

Effects of early institutionalization involving psychosocial deprivation on cognitive functioning 60 years later: findings of the LifeStories project

Evaluation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Essentials for Parenting Toddlers and Preschoolers on parent behavioral outcomes

Explaining child maltreatment and aggression among Chinese drug user: the mediating and moderating roles of drug craving and impulsivity

Factors influencing adult cognitive appraisals of childhood sexual abuse

Family structure and children's risk of child protective services re-reports

Global prevalence of violence against children and adolescents during COVID-19: a meta-analysis

Hospital admissions and community health service contacts for mental illness following self-reported child maltreatment: results from the Childhood Adversity and Lifetime Morbidity (CALM) study

Implementation of a digital health intervention for young people exposed to technology assisted sexual abuse

Influence of stress on self-injury among Chinese left-behind adolescents is not cast in stone: synergistic roles of family protective factors

Internal consistency and test-retest reliability: a reliability generalization meta-analysis of the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire - Short Form (CTQ-SF)

Interprofessional perspectives on ACEs: results from a statewide interprofessional training program

Investigating the impact of out-of-home care on early childhood development

Lawyers rapport building practices with child witnesses

Lifetime victimization experiences, depressiveness, suicidality, and feelings of loneliness in youth in care

Linkages between childhood emotional maltreatment and adulthood marital attitudes among rural first-generation college students in China: a latent profile analysis and multigroup comparisons

Maternal adverse childhood experiences, child resilience factors, and child mental health problems: a multi-wave study

Maternal victimization and neglected offspring: Child marriage, IPV and depression symptoms among Salar Muslim women

Multisystemic factors predicting street migration of children in Kenya: a multilevel longitudinal study of families and villages

Online sexual abuse of children with disabilities: analyzing reports of social workers' case files in Israel

Practitioner perspectives on the nature, causes and the impact of poor mental health and emotional wellbeing on children and young people in contact with children's social care: a qualitative study

Predictors of burnout, secondary traumatic stress, and compassion satisfaction among practitioners in Norwegian child advocacy centers

Predictors of the rate and course of reactive attachment disorder and disinhibited social engagement disorder symptoms in foster children during the first year of placement

Prevalence and early-life predictors of adverse childhood experiences: longitudinal insights from a low-income country

Receipt of parenting, disability, unemployment, and other income support payments in persons aged 16 to 33 years - the associations with child maltreatment

Reducing risk factors for child maltreatment: the Parenting-STAIR open pilot study

Relations between maternal parenting styles and callous-unemotional behavior in Chinese children: a longitudinal study

Resilience as a moderator of the relationship between stress and different symptom dimensions of depression in adolescents with a history of childhood maltreatment: a multi-wave longitudinal study

Schools' readiness for child sexual abuse prevention education: preliminary scale development using a Delphi method

Severe sexual abuse in childhood and altered neurophysiological response to reward in female adults

Silent suffering: the hidden challenges confronting unaccompanied refugee children through the eyes of social workers

Socioeconomic risk and the longitudinal child lifetime prevalence of child protection involvement

Testing a hybrid risk assessment model: predicting CSAM offender risk from digital forensic artifacts

The combined effects of adverse childhood experiences and neighborhood quality on child health and well-being

The prevalence of sexual grooming behaviors among survivors of childhood sexual abuse

The ripple effect of trauma: evaluating vulnerability, post-traumatic stress symptoms, and aggression within a child and adolescent population

The time sensitive and dose-responsive association between parental corporal punishment and sleep disturbances in preschoolers: a prospective cohort study

Trends in child and adolescent assault and maltreatment following the re-introduction of the Banned Drinker Register in the Northern Territory, Australia

Violence against parents perpetrated by adolescent siblings of individuals with intellectual disability in South Korea