Accessing child sexual abuse material: pathways to offending and online behaviour
Adverse childhood experiences as precursors to cannabis use in adulthood: a systematic review
Adverse childhood experiences research: the path forward
Are you a cop? Identifying suspicion in online chat operations with online groomers
Caseload factors predictive of family abuse and neglect treatment outcomes
Child welfare predictive risk models and legal decision making
Childhood poverty and foster care placement: implications for practice and policy
Criminal outcomes among infants placed in out-of-home care: a longitudinal nationwide cohort study
Factors influencing adult cognitive appraisals of childhood sexual abuse
Family structure and children's risk of child protective services re-reports
Global prevalence of violence against children and adolescents during COVID-19: a meta-analysis
Interprofessional perspectives on ACEs: results from a statewide interprofessional training program
Investigating the impact of out-of-home care on early childhood development
Lawyers rapport building practices with child witnesses
Reducing risk factors for child maltreatment: the Parenting-STAIR open pilot study
Severe sexual abuse in childhood and altered neurophysiological response to reward in female adults
Socioeconomic risk and the longitudinal child lifetime prevalence of child protection involvement
The prevalence of sexual grooming behaviors among survivors of childhood sexual abuse