"It doesn't work at all, that's my experience": Swedish forensic interviewers' views on interpreter-mediated child interviews
Abuse and neglect among Ethiopian children and adolescents
Adverse childhood experiences and grandiose narcissism - findings from a population-representative sample
Adverse childhood experiences: examining latent classes and associations with physical, psychological, and risk-related outcomes in adulthood
Afghan children and adolescents: the burden of poor mental health in contexts of widespread poverty, social inequality and persistent violence
Associations between perceived material deprivation, social support and violent victimization among Chinese children
Comparison of crosswalk methods for translating ICD-9 to ICD-10 diagnosis codes for child maltreatment
Development and psychometric properties of the sexual and gender minority adverse childhood experiences (SGM-ACEs): effect on sexual and gender minority adult mental health
Domestic violence and suicide in India
Experiences of childhood adversity across generations - continuity or change? A study from the Northern Ireland youth wellbeing survey
Exploring the impact of child and placement characteristics, carer resources, perceptions and life stressors on caregiving and well-being
Family Aggression Screening Tool (FAST): factor structure and psychometric properties of subscales
Filicide as a cultural practice in Ghana: the qualitative understanding of a family tragedy and its implications for child protection practice
Individual, family, and social correlates of flourishing outcomes among youth: findings from the 2016-2017 National Survey of Children's Health
Prevalence, correlates, and the mitigation of ICD-11 CPTSD among homeless adults: the role of self-compassion
Racial/ethnic and gender disparities in child protection decision-making: what role do stereotypes play?
Re: a response to Professor Findley's critique - overturned abusive head trauma and shaken baby syndrome convictions in the United States: prevalence, legal basis and medical evidence
Reactions to the disclosure of intrafamilial childhood sexual abuse: findings from the National Sexual Assault Online Hotline
Repeated maternal non-responsiveness to baby's crying during postpartum and infant neuropsychological development: the Japan Environment and Children's Study
Structural validity of the Conflict in Adolescent Dating Relationships Inventory (CADRI): A reduced version for use on respondents as victims and perpetrators
The association between child maltreatment and sleep disturbances among preschoolers
The expected and the unexpected in recovery and development after abuse and neglect: the role of early foster carer commitment on young children's symptoms of attachment disorders and mental health problems over time