A changing history: when is it a red flag for child abuse?
A population-based case control study of suicide among youth reported for abuse and neglect
A randomized control trial of a child abuse mandated reporter training: knowledge and attitudes
Appropriate responses to potential child abuse: the importance of information quality
Child labor in Tehran, Iran: abuses experienced in work environments
Child maltreatment fatalities among children and adolescents 5-17 years old
Conceptualizing "agency" within child marriage: implications for research and practice
Mothers as perpetrators and bystanders of child sexual abuse
Parenting stress among new parents before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
Pocket ACE: child sexual abuse survivors missed by the ACEs Study Questionnaire
Predicting youth at high risk of aging out of foster care using machine learning methods
Relationship between adverse childhood experiences and substance use in youth offenders in Singapore
Teaching privacy: a flawed strategy for children's online safety
The moderating role of three-generation households in the intergenerational transmission of violence
Validation and further development of a risk assessment instrument for child welfare