A pragmatic randomised controlled trial of the fostering changes programme
Adverse childhood experiences and psychological well-being in a rural sample of Chinese young adults
Childhood maltreatment, motives to drink and alcohol-related problems in young adulthood
Childhood trauma and premenstrual symptoms: the role of emotion regulation
Consequences of childhood memories: narcissism, malevolent, and benevolent childhood experiences
Effectiveness of child protection practice models: a systematic review
Epidemiology of violence against children in migration: a systematic literature review
Fabricated or induced illness: from "Munchausen by proxy" to child and family-oriented action
Health effects of repeated victimization among school-aged adolescents in six major cities in China
Investigating the relationship between trauma symptoms and placement instability
Patterns of childhood trauma and psychopathology among Chinese rural-to-urban migrant children
Psycho-social impact of COVID-19 pandemic on children in India: the reality
Psychosocial interventions for violence exposed youth - a systematic review
The association between adverse childhood experiences and quality of partnership in adult women
The social information processing model in child physical abuse and neglect: a meta-analytic review
Trends in adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in the United States