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British journal of psychiatry

Journal Volume: 184
Journal Issue:
Journal Year: 2004
Articles in SafetyLit: 20

Antidepressant-related deaths and antidepressant prescriptions in England and Wales, 1998-2000

Antidepressants and public health in Iceland. Time series analysis of national data

Early cognitive-behavioural therapy for post-traumatic stress symptoms after physical injury. Randomised controlled trial

Globalisation and mental disorders. Overview with relation to depression

Homicide data

Impact of child sexual abuse on mental health: prospective study in males and females

Lone mothers' experience of physical and sexual violence: association with psychiatric disorders

Management of psychiatric in-patient violence: patient ethnicity and use of medication, restraint and seclusion

Melancholia and the probability and lethality of suicide attempts

Predictors of antisocial personality. Continuities from childhood to adult life

Prevalence of DSM-IV psychiatric disorder in the French elderly population

Relationship between alcohol use disorders and suicidality in a psychiatric population: in-patient prevalence study

Severity of depressive episodes according to ICD-10: prediction of risk of relapse and suicide

Stigma: the feelings and experiences of 46 people with mental illness. Qualitative study

Suicide and sexual orientation

Suicide by prisoners. National clinical survey

Towards integrated health care: a model for assault victims

Trauma exposure and post-traumatic stress symptoms in urban African schools. Survey in CapeTown and Nairobi

Understanding violence

Unusually persistent complainants