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British journal of psychiatry

Journal Volume: 183
Journal Issue:
Journal Year: 2003
Articles in SafetyLit: 22

Abusive experiences and psychiatric morbidity in women primary care attenders

Attendance at the accident and emergency department in the year before suicide: retrospective study

Childhood origins of violent behaviour in adults with schizophreniform disorder

Early intervention service for non-abusing parents of victims of child sexual abuse: Pilot study

Effect of 11 September 2001 on suicide and homicide in England and Wales

Forty lives in the bebop business: mental health in a group of eminent jazz musicians

Health care contact and suicide

Mental health and quality of life of gay men and lesbians in England and Wales: controlled, cross-sectional study

Prevalence of violent victimisation in severe mental illness

Psychosocial treatment for severe personality disorder. 36-month follow-up

Slovenia: difficulties and strengths of psychiatric research in a small country

Stigma as a cause of suicide

Suicide and attempted suicide among people of Caribbean origin with psychosis living in the UK

Suicide and mental disorders: do we know enough?

Suicide and self-harm

Suicide in ethnic minority groups

Suicide: the leading cause of maternal death

Suicides in ethnic minorities within 12 months of contact with mental health services. National clinical survey

Towards a developmental understanding of violence

Treating psychological symptoms in sexually abused children: from research findings to service provision

Understanding the suicidal brain

Unit for suicide research, University of Gent, Belgium