'Remixing Rasmussen': the evolution of Accimaps within systemic accident analysis
3D digital headform models of Australian cyclists
Dissuasive exit signage for building fire evacuation
Evaluation of a "walk-through" ladder top design during ladder-roof transitioning tasks
Factors influencing experience in crowds - the participant perspective
Gait adaptation on surfaces with different degrees of slipperiness
Hot under the collar: the impact of heat on game play
Influence of lane departure warnings onset and reliability on car drivers' behaviors
Measuring wildland fire fighter performance with wearable technology
Musings on models and the genius of Jens Rasmussen
Predicting bicycle setup for children based on anthropometrics and comfort
The stage of change approach for implementing ergonomics advice - translating research into practice
Toward a taxonomy of the unintentional discharge of firearms in law enforcement