A framework for understanding sexual violence: incentive-motivation and hierarchical control
A note on workplace psychopathic bullying - measuring its frequency and severity
Alcohol abuse, personality disorders, and aggression: the quest for a common underlying mechanism
Attitudes towards sexual offenders: what do we know, and why are they important?
Compulsive criminal homicide: a new nosology for serial murder
Cyber violence: what do we know and where do we go from here?
Differences between biological and sociolegal incest offenders: a meta-analysis
Evaluation of seclusion and restraint reduction programs in mental health: a systematic review
From "real rape" to real justice: a systematic review of police officers' rape myth beliefs
Gun violence and substance abuse
Monsters, madmen… and myths: a critical review of the serial killing literature
Pets in danger: exploring the link between domestic violence and animal abuse
Police perceptions of rape victims and the impact on case decision making: a systematic review
Rape myth acceptance in convicted rapists: a systematic review of the literature
Reducing aggression with martial arts: a meta-analysis of child and youth studies
Sexual offenders, violent offenders, and community reentry: challenges and treatment considerations
Sexual victimization perpetrated by women: federal data reveal surprising prevalence
Situational prevention of domestic violence: a review of security-based programs
Studying partner violence to understand gender motivations - or vice-versa?
Trauma responses to intimate partner violence: a review of current knowledge
Unveiling the shadows of meaning: meaning-making for perpetrators of homicide