Familial alcohol supply, adolescent drinking and early alcohol onset in 45 low and middle income countries
Gender- and age-varying associations of sensation seeking and substance use across young adulthood
Methodological factors as a potential source of discordance between self-report and behavioral measures of impulsivity and related constructs
Mindfulness buffers the effects of cue-induced craving on alcohol demand in college drinkers
Parents' drinking motives and problem drinking predict their children's drinking motives, alcohol use and substance misuse
Poor mental health, peer drinking norms, and alcohol risk in a social network of first-year college students
Predicting risky health behaviors 35 years later: are parents or teacher's reports of childhood behavior problems a better judge of outcomes?
Testing a motivational model of delivery modality and incentives on participation in a brief alcohol intervention
Trends in female and male drunken driving prevalence over thirty years: triangulating diverse sources of evidence (1985-2015)