Examining parental monitoring as a moderator of the relationship between depressed mood and alcohol use and problems
Impulsivity-related traits, college alcohol beliefs, and alcohol outcomes: examination of a prospective multiple mediation model among college students in Spain, Argentina, and USA
Measuring adolescent drinking-refusal self-efficacy: development and validation of the Drinking Refusal Self-Efficacy Questionnaire-Shortened Adolescent version (DRSEQ-SRA)
Perceived vulnerability moderates the relations between the use of protective behavioral strategies and alcohol use and consequences among high-risk young adults
Profiles of childhood adversities in pathological gamblers - a latent class analysis
Race/ethnicity and racial group composition moderate the effectiveness of mindfulness-based relapse prevention for substance use disorder
The emerging marijuana retail environment: key lessons learned from tobacco and alcohol retail research
Working memory moderates the association between perceived norms and heavy episodic drinking among college students