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Addictive behaviors

Journal Volume: 64
Journal Issue:
Journal Year: 2016
Articles in SafetyLit: 14

Alcohol perceptions and behavior in a residential peer social network

An introduction to body vandalism: What is it? Who does it? When does it happen?

Desire thinking as a predictor of craving and binge drinking: a longitudinal study

Differences in alcohol use patterns between adolescent Asian American ethnic groups: representative estimates from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health 2002-2013

Do causes of stress differ in their association with problem drinking by sex in Korean adolescents?

Does one day of drinking matter? 21st birthday drinking predicts subsequent drinking and consequences

Drinking motives and PTSD-related alcohol expectancies among combat veterans

Effects of depressive symptoms and coping motives on naturalistic trends in negative and positive alcohol-related consequences

Factors associated with early marijuana initiation in a criminal justice population

Overestimation of close friend drinking problems in the prediction of one's own drinking problems

PTSD, alcohol dependence, and conduct problems: distinct pathways via lability and disinhibition

The eCHECKUP TO GO for High School: impact on risk factors and protective behavioral strategies for alcohol use

The interplay between trauma, substance abuse and appetitive aggression and its relation to criminal activity among high-risk males in South Africa

Understanding older problem drinkers: the role of drinking to cope