Brief web-based intervention for college students with comorbid risky alcohol use and depressed mood: does it work and for whom?
Context counts: solitary drinking explains the association between depressive symptoms and alcohol-related problems in undergraduates
Geographical distribution of alcohol-attributable mortality in Chile: a Bayesian spatial analysis
Is being mindful associated with reduced risk for internally-motivated drinking and alcohol use among undergraduates?
Mediators of interpersonal violence and drug addiction severity among methamphetamine users in Cape Town, South Africa
Normative misperceptions about alcohol use in the general population of drinkers: a cross-sectional survey
Normative perceptions of non-medical stimulant use: Associations with actual use and hazardous drinking
Parents' and students' perceptions of college alcohol risk: the role of parental risk perception in intentions to communicate about alcohol
Prepartying, drinking games, and extreme drinking among college students: a daily-level investigation
Sexual assault related distress and drinking: the influence of daily reports of social support and coping control
The role of intolerance of uncertainty in terms of alcohol use motives among college students