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Addictive behaviors

Journal Volume: 137
Journal Issue:
Journal Year: 2022
Articles in SafetyLit: 12

Cannabis-related problems and social anxiety: the roles of sex and cannabis use motives updated

Changes in alcohol beliefs mediate the effects of a school-based prevention program on alcohol use among Brazilian adolescents

Collateral consequences of the school-to-prison pipeline: adolescent substance use and developmental risk

Impaired control over drinking predicts changes in alcohol-related consequences over and above alcohol use and facets of impulsivity

Maximizing the use of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) as a two-step screening tool

Occasion-level investigation of playing drinking games: associations with cognitions, situational factors, alcohol use, and negative consequences among adolescents and young adults

Perceptions about THC and CBD effects among adults with and without prior cannabis experience

Pre-drinking motives are directly associated with alcohol-related consequences even after adjusting for alcohol use on a given night: a consequence-specific analysis

Preloading, exit intoxication related to energy drink usage, and gender differences within night-time entertainment districts for young people

Taking alcohol from one's parents' home without permission as a risk factor for greater alcohol and marijuana use during the transition into college

The developmental unfolding of substance use disorder symptoms and academic achievement in the transition into and out of college

Who's at greatest risk? Latent profiles of alcohol and cannabis use and related consequences among college students