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Addictive behaviors

Journal Volume: 129
Journal Issue:
Journal Year: 2022
Articles in SafetyLit: 12

A dyadic examination of alcohol use and intimate partner aggression among women in same-sex relationships

Assessing alcohol use in situ: correlates of self-report vs. objective alcohol consumption

Classifying risky cannabis involvement in young adults using the Marijuana Consequences Questionnaire (MACQ)

Do the effects of parent-based alcohol interventions depend on college residence? A short communication

Does childhood maltreatment increase the subsequent risk of problematic smartphone use among adolescents? A two-wave longitudinal study

Meaning in life and stress-related drinking: a multicohort study of college students during the COVID-19 pandemic

Multiple diverse drinking trajectories among sexual minority women: unique and joint prediction by minority stress and social influence risk factors

Prevalence and use of cannabis products and routes of administration among youth and young adults in Canada and the United States: a systematic review

Psychometric properties of CAST for early detection of problematic cannabis use in Spanish adolescents

Social networking site use and alcohol use behaviors among adolescents: a latent profile analysis

Validating a brief screening measure for early-onset substance use during adolescence in a diverse, nationwide birth cohort

Validity and usefulness of the short form of the Drinking Motives Questionnaire Revised (DMQ-R SF) among patients with schizophrenia