A generalized nonlinear model-based mixed multinomial logit approach for crash data analysis
A novel Bayesian hierarchical model for road safety hotspot prediction
Age-related differences in fatal intersection crashes in the United States
An examination of the construct and predictive validity of the self-reported speeding behavior model
Child pedestrian safety knowledge, behaviour and road injury in Cape Town, South Africa
Comparing spatially static and dynamic vibrotactile take-over requests in the driver seat
Constructing a publically available distracted driving database and research tool
Cyclist deceleration rate as surrogate safety measure in Montreal using smartphone GPS data
Detecting lane departures from steering wheel signal
Evaluating the effects of supplemental rest areas on freeway crashes caused by drowsy driving
Foot placement during error and pedal applications in naturalistic driving
Methods to rank traffic rule violations resulting in crashes for allocation of funds
Multivariate poisson lognormal modeling of crashes by type and severity on rural two lane highways
Obstacles to engaging in young driver licensing: perspectives of parents
Prevalence and trends of drugged driving in Canada
Preventing distracted driving among college students: addressing smartphone use
Road safety effects of roundabouts: a meta-analysis
Safety effects of the London cycle superhighways on cycle collisions
Sleep and performance in simulated Navy watch schedules
Sleep-related crash characteristics: implications for applying a fatigue definition to crash reports
Sleep-related vehicle crashes on low speed roads
The dangers of rumination on the road: predictors of risky driving
Truck crash severity in New York city: an investigation of the spatial and the time of day effects
Using interstimulus interval to maximise sensitivity of the Psychomotor Vigilance Test to fatigue
Work environment, overtime and sleep among offshore personnel