A method to account for and estimate underreporting in crash frequency research
A simulation study of the effects of alcohol on driving performance in a Chinese population
Alcohol-related driving in China: countermeasure implications of research conducted in two cities
Bootstrap resampling approach to disaggregate analysis of road crashes in Hong Kong
Chosen risk level during car-following in adverse weather conditions
Cost and benefit estimates of partially-automated vehicle collision avoidance technologies
Crash risk analysis for Shanghai urban expressways: a Bayesian semi-parametric modeling approach
Development of safety performance functions for Spanish two-lane rural highways on flat terrain
Does assisted driving behavior lead to safety-critical encounters with unequipped vehicles' drivers?
Driver drowsiness detection based on non-intrusive metrics considering individual specifics
Effect of horizontal curves on urban arterial crashes
Estimation of social value of statistical life using willingness-to-pay method in Nanjing, China
Evaluating the safety impact of increased speed limits on rural highways in British Columbia
Feature-specific ski injuries in snow parks
Hazard perception in emergency medical service responders
Hit-and-run crashes in urban river-crossing road tunnels
Land use and traffic collisions: a link-attribute analysis using empirical Bayes method
Latent segmentation based count models: analysis of bicycle safety in Montreal and Toronto
Professional experience and traffic accidents/near-miss accidents among truck drivers
Risk in our midst: centrelines, perceived risk, and speed choice
Rural casualty crashes on the Kings Highway: a new approach for road safety studies
Safety evaluation of signalized intersections with left-turn waiting area in China
The effect of motion and signalling on drivers' ability to predict intentions of other road users
Time-to-contact estimation errors among older drivers with useful field of view impairments
Traffic crash liability determination: Danger and Dodge model
Traffic safety in China: challenges and countermeasures
Validation of the Driver's Angry Thoughts Questionnaire (DATQ) in a Chinese sample