Association between increase in fixed penalties and road safety outcomes: a meta-analysis
Brain injury tolerance limit based on computation of axonal strain
Differences in state drug testing and reporting by driver type in U.S. fatal traffic crashes
Differential impact of personality traits on distracted driving behaviors in teens and older adults
Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) examination characteristics of cannabis impairment
Economic development, mobility and traffic accidents in Algeria
Effects of valerian on subjective sedation, field sobriety testing and driving simulator performance
Evaluation of safety effectiveness of multiple cross sectional features on urban arterials
Investigation of work zone crash casualty patterns using association rules
Macroscopic hotspots identification: a Bayesian spatio-temporal interaction approach
Quantifying the safety effects of horizontal curves on two-way, two-lane rural roads
Relating traffic fatalities to GDP in Europe on the long term
The impact of personality on driving safety among Chinese high-speed railway drivers
The impact response of traditional and BMX-style bicycle helmets at different impact severities
Towards an integrated approach of pedestrian behaviour and exposure
Why drivers use cell phones and support legislation to restrict this practice