A dynamic analysis of motorcycle ownership and usage: a panel data modeling approach
Accident proneness revisited: the role of psychological stress and cognitive failure
Age and inconsistency in driving performance
Aging and the detection of imminent collisions under simulated fog conditions
Analysis of factors that increase motorcycle rider risk compared to car driver risk
Analysis of powered two-wheeler crashes in Italy by classification trees and rules discovery
Analysis of the stability of PTW riders in autonomous braking scenarios
Are car daytime running lights detrimental to motorcycle conspicuity?
Auditory detection and localization of approaching vehicles
Bias caused by self-reporting distraction and its impact on crash estimates
Causation mechanisms in car-to-vulnerable road user crashes: implications for active safety systems
Characteristics of, and insurance payments for, injuries to cyclists in Tasmania, 1990-2010
Cognitive impairment and driving safety
Confirmatory factor analysis of the Behaviour of Young Novice Drivers Scale (BYNDS)
Crash avoidance potential of four large truck technologies
Crash risk factors related to individuals sustaining and drivers following traumatic brain injuries
Does wearing helmets reduce motorcycle-related death? A global evaluation
Driving behaviors in early stage dementia: a study using in-vehicle technology
Evaluating safety risk of locating above ground utility structures in the highway right-of-way
Factors affecting hospital admission and recovery stay duration of in-patient motor victims in Spain
Grandparents and child passenger safety
Injury typology of fatal motorcycle collisions with roadside barriers in Australia and New Zealand
Measurements of street-crossing decision-making in pedestrians with low vision
MMSE as a predictor of on-road driving performance in community dwelling older drivers
Motorcycle accidents, rider behaviour, and psychological models
Motorcycle-related injuries in the United Arab Emirates
Motorcycle-related spinal injury: crash characteristics
Motorcyclists' speed and "looked-but-failed-to-see" accidents
On the significance of omitted variables in intersection crash modeling
Overview of critical risk factors in Power-Two-Wheeler safety
Personality and risk perception in transport
Powered two-wheelers road accidents and their risk perception in dense urban areas: case of Paris
Powered two-wheelers within the traffic system
Public attitudes towards motorcyclists' safety: a qualitative study from the United Kingdom
Reductions in transport mortality in Australia: Evidence of a public health success
Risk factors for injury accidents among moped and motorcycle riders
Risk factors for severe injury in cyclists involved in traffic crashes in Victoria, Australia
Severity of motorcycle crashes in Calgary
Stated response to increased enforcement density and penalty size for speeding and driving unbelted
The Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination Revised as a potential screening test for elderly drivers
The intention and willingness to pay moving violation citations among Taiwan motorcyclists
The kinematic features of motorcycles in congested urban networks
Traffic safety among motorcyclists in Norway: a study of subgroups and risk factors
Traffic safety analysis of powered two-wheelers (PTWs) in Slovenia
Understanding the factors influencing safe and unsafe motorcycle rider intentions
Validity of the Occupational Therapy-Drive Home Maze Test for right and left handed test takers