A hierarchical multinomial logit model to examine the effects of signal strategies on right-turn crash injury severity at signalised intersections
A proactive crash risk prediction framework for lane-changing behavior incorporating individual driving styles
Accident proneness, laterality, and time estimation
Analysis of driver characteristics, self-reported psychology measures and driving performance measures associated with aggressive driving
Assessing the crash risk of mixed traffic on multilane rural highways using a proactive safety approach
Autonomous vehicles and street design: exploring the role of medians in enhancing pedestrian street crossing safety using a virtual reality experiment
Human and machine drivers: sharing control, sharing responsibility
Impact of non-driving related tasks while operating automated driving systems (ADS): a systematic review
Motorcycle emergency steering assistance: a systematic approach from system definition to benefit estimation and exploratory field testing
Multi-vehicle safety functions for freeway weaving segments using lane-level traffic data
Pedestrians' road-crossing behavior towards eHMI-equipped autonomous vehicles driving in segregated and mixed traffic conditions
Sharing roads with automated vehicles: a questionnaire investigation from drivers', cyclists' and pedestrians' perspectives
Sociodemographic disparities in child restraint selection and variation in child passenger safety information sources
The effect of reclined seatback angles on the motion of booster-seated children during lateral-oblique low-acceleration impacts
The evaluation of decorated camera housings - a driving simulator study
Understanding the new trends in pedestrian injury distribution and mechanism through data linkage and modeling