A model for naturalistic glance behavior around Tesla Autopilot disengagements
A relative approach to the validation of surrogate measures of safety
Alcohol-related traffic laws and drunk-driving fatal accidents
Comparison of older and middle-aged drivers' driving performance in a naturalistic setting
Distracting tasks have persisting effects on young and older drivers' braking performance
Estimation of crash type frequencies on individual collector roadway segments
Investigating yielding behavior of heterogeneous vehicles at a semi-controlled crosswalk
Malignant mixes: the overlap of motor vehicle crashes and crime in Stockholm, Sweden
Odds ratios for reclined seating positions in real-world crashes
Patterns of near-crash events in a naturalistic driving dataset: applying rules mining
Revised road traffic safety law and years of life lost due to traffic deaths in China, 2002-2019
Safety and health perceptions of location-based augmented reality gaming app and their implications
Travel speed and the risk of serious injury in vehicle crashes