A novel agent-based framework for evaluating pedestrian safety at unsignalized mid-block crosswalks
Accounting for seasonal effects on cyclist-vehicle crashes
Alcohol-impaired walking in 16 countries: a theory-based investigation
Are bicycle lanes effective? The relationship between passing distance and road characteristics
Bus crash risk evaluation: an adjusted framework and its application in a real network
Change in seating position of children in towaway crashes from 1989 to 2019
Crash comparison of autonomous and conventional vehicles using pre-crash scenario typology
Deriving a joint risk estimate from dynamic data collected at motorcycle rides
Development of crash modification factors for roadway illuminance: a matched case-control study
Evaluating cyclist biometrics to develop urban transportation safety metrics
Extending the Heston model to forecast motor vehicle collision rates
Factors modifying the likelihood of speeding behaviors based on naturalistic driving data
Feasibility study of highway alignment design controls for autonomous vehicles
Field effectiveness of general motors advanced driver assistance and headlighting systems
Healthcare costs of road injuries in Saudi Arabia: a quantile regression analysis
Impact of Mexican Road Safety Strategies implemented in the context of the UN's Decade of Action
Improved traffic safety at work zones through animation-based variable message signs
Incorporating conflict risks in pedestrian-motorist interactions: a game theoretical approach
Obstacles and risks in the traffic environment for users of powered wheelchairs in Sweden
Operational design domain of autonomous vehicles at skewed intersection
Predicting nonrecovery in adults with incident traffic injuries including post-traumatic headache
Reducing distracted pedestrian behavior using bluetooth beacon technology: a crossover trial
Speed behaviour upon approaching freeway curves
The effectiveness of booster seat use in motor vehicle collisions
The mere presence of a mobile phone: does it influence driving performance?
The role of perceived legitimacy in understanding traffic rule compliance: a scoping review
The role of protected intersections in improving bicycle safety and driver right-turning behavior
Validation of the attention-related driving errors scale in novice adolescent drivers