A crash severity analysis at highway-rail grade crossings: the random survival forest method
A random parameter logistic model of fatigue-related motorcycle crash involvement in Hanoi, Vietnam
Adolescent driving behavior before and during restrictions related to COVID-19
Automated traffic incident detection with a smaller dataset based on generative adversarial networks
Bicycle safety in Bogotá: a seven-year analysis of bicyclists' collisions and fatalities
Changes in beliefs during driver training and their association with risky driving
Co-driving: passenger actions and distractions
Combined impact of road and traffic characteristic on driver behavior using smartphone sensor data
Comparing dynamic and static illustration of an HMI for cooperative driving
Coronavirus disease 2019: what could be the effects on road safety?
Creating a hazard-based training and assessment tool for emergency response drivers
Current trauma care system in Saudi Arabia: a scoping literature review
Cyclist-vehicle crash modeling with measurement error in traffic exposure
Effects of built environment on bicycle wrong way riding behavior: a data-driven approach
Effects of night-time bicycling visibility aids on vehicle passing distance
Employee perseverance in a "no phone use while driving" organizational road-safety intervention
Evaluation of traffic behavior in response to alternative police lighting
Examining imbalanced classification algorithms in predicting real-time traffic crash risk
Fifty years of Accident Analysis & Prevention: a bibliometric and scientometric overview
Impact speed and the risk of serious injury in vehicle crashes
Left turn crash risk analysis: Development of a microsimulation modeling approach
Modeling crash risk of horizontal curves using large-scale auto-extracted roadway geometry data
Modelling injury severity of bicyclists in bicycle-car crashes at intersections
Safety assessment of highly automated driving systems in test tracks: a new framework
Self-reported mindfulness, cyclist anger and aggression
Sleep in highly automated driving: takeover performance after waking up
The novel approaches to classify cyclist accident injury-severity: hybrid fuzzy decision mechanisms
Use of codes data to improve estimates of at-fault risk for elderly drivers
What happens when drivers of automated vehicles take over control in critical brake situations?