A contextual and temporal algorithm for driver drowsiness detection
A cross-comparison of different techniques for modeling macro-level cyclist crashes
Characterization of the occult nature of frequently occurring pediatric motor vehicle crash injuries
Diagnosed dementia and the risk of motor vehicle crash among older drivers
Does crash risk increase when emergency vehicles are driving with lights and sirens?
Errors versus speed on the trail making test: relevance to driving performance
Identifying the most significant indicators of the total road safety performance index
Investigating the safety impact of roadway network features of suburban arterials in Shanghai
Latent class analysis of factors that influence weekday and weekend single-vehicle crash severities
Lives saved by laws and regulations that resulted from the Bloomberg road safety program
Modeling of passengers' safety perception for buses on mountainous roads
Recognition method of construction conflict based on driver's eye movement
Speed, speed variation and crash relationships for urban arterials
Speeding in highway work zone: an evaluation of methods of speed control
Walking the talk: comparing pedestrian 'activity as imagined' with 'activity as done'