A novel framework to evaluate pedestrian safety at non-signalized locations
A questionnaire survey on road rage and anger-provoking situations in China
Accident frequency and unrealistic optimism: children's assessment of risk
Accident rates and the impact of daylight saving time transitions
Analyzing crash frequency in freeway tunnels: a correlated random parameters approach
Burden of injury of serious road injuries in six EU countries
Correlates of fatality risk of vulnerable road users in Delhi
Cross or wait? Pedestrian decision making during clearance phase at signalized intersections
Cyclist-related content in novice driver education and training
Global road fatality trends' estimations based on country-wise micro level data
Identifying traffic accident black spots with Poisson-Tweedie models
Linking mind wandering tendency to risky driving in young male drivers
Monitoring city wide patterns of cycling safety
Risk factors for adverse driving outcomes in Dutch adults with ADHD and controls
Risk factors for crash involvement in older motorcycle riders
Safety assessment on pedestrian crossing environments using MLS data
What technologies do people engage with while driving and why?